Sunday, November 4, 2012


<i>Ceratogyrus darlingi</i><br>Eastern Horned Baboon (6-8cm

Common Name: "Eastern Horned Baboon"
Scientific NameCeratogyrus darlingi
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Phylum: Anthropoda
     Class: Arachnida
     Order: Araneae
     Family: Theraphosidae
     Genus: Ceratogyrus
     Species: darlingi
  •  The males of this species are hard to find due to sexual cannibalism.
  • They are very common for people to have as pets even though they are one of the most aggressive tarantula  in the world.

Amphibian: Oriental Fire Belly Toad

Common Name: "Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad"
Scientific NameBombina orientalis
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Phylum: Chordata
     Class: Amphibia
     Order: Anura
     Family: Bombinatoridae
     Genus: Bombina
     Species: orientalis
  •  If their prey doesn't put up a big enough fight, they will commonly let it go and search for other prey.
  • They spend most of their life in water however, they are not very strong swimmers and are known to drown it water.

Echinoderm: Blue Star Fish

Common Name: "Blue Starfish"
Scientific NameLinckia laevigata
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Phylum: Echinodermata
     Class: Asteroidea
     Order: Valvatida
     Family: Ophidiasteridae
     Genus: Linckia
     Species: laevigata
  •  They can reproduce sexually and asexually.
  • They are commonly used in the seashell trade and are in decline in the wild because there is such a demand for them by tourist.

Cnidarian: Assorted Mushroom Anemone

Common Name: "Assorted Mushroom Anemone"
Scientific NameActinodiscus dawydoffi
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Phylum: Cnidaria
     Class: Anthozoa
     Order: Corallimorpharia
     Family: Discosomatidae
     Genus: Actinodiscus
     Species: dawydoffi
  •  Theses anemones are able to warp the direction of water above them to direct floating particles to them.
  • They have few predators if any because of their stinging cells on their testicles.

Reptile: Beared Lizard

Common Name: "Bearded Lizard"
Scientific NamePogona henrylawsoni
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Phylum: Chordata
     Class: Reptilia
     Order: Squamata
     Family: Agamidae
     Genus: Pogona
     Species: henrylawsoni
  •  They live in very rocky, dry and hot climates.
  • They are common in the arid deserts of Australia
  • They have the smallest beard (more like stubble) of any of the the bearded lizards in their order.

Mollusk: Golden Apple Snail

Common Name: "Golden Apple Snail"
Scientific NamePomacea canaliculate
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Class: Gastropoda
     Order: Architaenioglossa
     Family: Ampullariidae
     Genus: Pomacea
     Species: canaliculate
  •  Considered to be in the top 100 of worlds worst invasive species
  • Many places in China and Thailand raise them for consumption.

Crustation: Cleaner Shrimp

Common Name: "Amboin Cleaner Shrimp"
Scientific NameLysmata amboinensis
     Kingdom: Animalia
     Class: Malacostraca
     Family: Hippolytidae
     Genus: Lysmata
     Species: amboinensis
  •  They eat parasites and dead tissue off of fish.
  • Many fish species will even allow these shrimp to enter there mouth to eat parasites without the fish ever eating the shrimp.